Plants & shrubs in Hervey Bay
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Hervey Bay Garden Centre has available a fine selection of plants, garden statues and garden supplies to add that special touch when planning your home or business garden.
Nothing adds good looks and value to any home or commercial property more than an exquisite garden featuring a selection of plants that are 100% suitable for the Hervey Bay and Fraser coast regions.
At Hervey Bay Garden Centre we invite you to come in and browse our extensive selection of natives, cottage plants, grasses, indoor plants, fruit trees, herbs and seedlings which have been conditioned and sun hardened to withstand the rigors of our unique environment. Plants are a wonderful inclusion inside your home. You can also freshen up your home with indoor plants making you more in touch with nature as you beautify your home’s décor and even help clean the air. Plants contribute to a happy and healthy home.
Remember, from small to large areas our plants range in size so you can select the right plant for each application. At Hervey Bay Garden Centre, we’ve got you covered.
Plants such as Tropical and Native plants, Indoor, Palms, Hedging and Screening plants, Wind break plants, Groundcovers, Ferns, Fruit Trees are always available along with our friendly service and expert advice. We also have available a selection of glazed and un-glazed pots, garden statues and ornaments to add spice and variety to every gardening project.
Hervey Bay Garden Centre are your major supplier of designer garden products, ornaments and accessories handpicked to make your garden reflect your own personality.
We can even supply Gazebos with thatching if that is your preference.
For the very best in garden design for our Hervey Bay districts speak to our experts for the best planning advice and the best plants for our region.
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