Contact Hervey Bay Garden Centre
Prices subject to change. For the latest refer to our Facebook page.
Call or drop in to discover the real world of plants and nursery supplies along with the best array of landscaping supplies on our beautiful Fraser Coast.
Address: 132 Scrub Hill Road, Dundowran Qld 4655
Phone: 07 4124 1769
Opening Hours
Mon-Sat: 7.30am - 5.00pm
Sun: 8.00am - 2.00pm
Public Holidays: Closed
Let us deliver to your premise …call for a quote!
Our fleet of trucks and can deliver any quantity and mostly on the same day and at the agreed time. Your own car, ute or trailer? Yes we can easily load any product you require. Drive in and place your order, we'll do the rest.
Don’t forget to get the latest from Hervey Bay Garden Centre on Facebook
Our location in Hervey Bay:
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